Friday, November 13, 2015

It Ain't Drake

Dear Internet,
I have a confession. I am not actually Drake. I am a sixteen year-old girl in high school. And Drake, if you are reading this, first of all I love you. Second, I hope you do not mind me using your name symbolically to express my love of your music and the music of others.
To my other readers, you can expect this to be a relatively opinionated blog that praises, recommends and analyzes music, particularly rap. I am a lover, of music like any other, and this will be my space to truely express that.
Sincerely Drake

1 comment:

  1. I actually adore this simple yet awesome post. Now all we need is for Drake to see this and this blog will be more lit than a rap battle between Kendrick Lamar, J Cole and Childish Gambino. Just outta curiosity, do you just have an obsession with rap/hip-hop culture or are you low-key working on a hott mixtape about to drop any day and you tryna get more exposure for it?
